Conquering NaNoWriMo: Two Ways to Perk Up Your Writing Brain and Push through to the Finish Line!

BRAINSTORM ON WHERE TO GO Now that you’ve been writing for 27 days, your brain is primed for a mega-brainstorming session. As you’ve been busy writing, your thinking brain focused on harboring and percolating that massive amount of new material you and your marvelous mind have created. Unlike any other time, your writing brain is […]

Conquering NaNoWriMo: Did you meditate before writing today?

Wracking up high wordcounts on a daily basis requires an influx of energy and focus, two things meditation bolsters in your brain. In fact, meditation is fantastic for firing up your writing brain because it bridges the gap between observations—what we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch—and what we can dream, imagine, or create while […]

Conquer NaNoWriMo: Meditate to Bolster Communication between Your Top and Bottom Brains

Meditation is a powerful tool for increasing your brain’s ability to imagine and create and function—because it creates a massive increase in bidirectional networking within your brain. It increases communication between your top (thinking centric) and bottom (feeling centric) brain and, quite literally, fires up your writing brain. Meditation also calms your brain and trains it to focus […]

Conquer NaNoWriMo: Unleash Your Brain

If you’ve ever been around a litter of newborn puppies or kittens, you’ve likely observed that some are feisty and adventurous, some greedily suckle, some cower while others show dominance, and so on. Studies have found that such personality differences will still appear, even when animals are cloned (meaning that they are genetically identical). In […]

Conquer NaNoWriMo: Manage Your Dreams

Gearing up for and writing a 50,000-word novel in one month, as those participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) attempt to do, may cause a riptide in your subconscious and lead to disruptive dreams, or even nightmares, particularly if you create unreasonable expectations and then pressure yourself to meet them, or punish yourself when […]